First, because I no longer have access to an electrical engineering lab, I needed to set up a soldering station for myself.
- AGPtEK Soldering Iron
- Solder
- Desolder Sucker
- Soldering Iron Tip Tinner
- Soldering Iron Tip Cleaner
- Soldering Iron Holder
- Helping Hand with Magnifying Glass
- Lots of Wire
I was unsure about the soldering iron; I read somewhere that the preferred wattage is around 20. But the one I got is a good brand and has adjustable temperature settings so it's probably fine.
Next, I needed to order stuff for this specific build. This includes an enclosure, jacks, the footswitch, and the circuit components.
- Veroboard
- 3PDT Footswitch
- 1/4" Input Jack
- DC Power Jack
- Enclosure (I bought this pre-drilled and pre-painted)
- Waterslide Decal Paper (I'm going to use this to hopefully decorate the pedal)
- Pre-wired LED with bezel and resisitor (this is awesome)
- Alpha 16mm Reserve Log 5K (reverse log)
- 1/4" Shaft Knob
- 15mm Diameter Shaft Knob ( I was unsure which size to get so I got two)
- Circuit components
I choose all of the circuit components based on the schematic from Guitar FX Layouts. There's a section in the comments where Ivlark explains which capacitors to choose:
"For all my layouts I'd tend to use multilayer ceramic for anything up to 1nF (and so for all the pF values), polyester for 1nF to 1uF and anything above 1uF I'd use electrolytic or tantalum. So for these I'd use a polyester cap for the 100nF and electrolytic or tantalums for the 10uF and 47uF. As long as they fit physically into the board, then pretty much any manufacturer will be good."
Everything should be delivered tomorrow, so hopefully I'll get the opportunity to build the circuit on a breadboard and test it out.
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