Friday, July 3, 2015

Offboard Wiring

Now that the board is done, I started doing some offboard stuff.

Screwed on the input jack, output jack, footswitch, toggle switch, and LED bezel. I just manually fastened them with washers and nuts.

The potentiometers had this little tab on them that I broke off using pliers.

Pot with washer and nut.

Fastened the pots in the enclosure.

The DC jack is in there too.

I kind of got caught up and didn't take too many pictures during this part. I began the necessary offboard wiring, starting with the switch and the input/output jacks. At this point, I realized that the circuit board with the stupid socket spider on top is too tall and it doesn't fit in the enclosure. I'm not sure what my solution for this is, I will probably have to take the socket off and replace it with a new one. Then I'll put the socket underneath the switch and have some wires connect it back to the board. Once I fix that, I need to connect the LED to the switch, hook up the power and ground throughout the pedal, and attach the pots to the board.

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