Thursday, August 11, 2016


I tried to solve my two problems and neither solution worked.

Video shows the switch popping and knob noises.

1. Fix the popping. Using this and comments on the Guitar FX thread, it seems like the standard solution for fixing popping is attaching a 1M resistor from the input jack to ground. I try this without soldering, because I was afraid of messing something up, so maybe that is why it didn't work. However, I had the resistor touching both and the signal totally cut out. I don't really know what's up with that. For now, I'm just going to ignore the popping sound.

2. The knob makes loud scratching noises when it's turned. I bought some contact cleaner and used that on the pot. It kind of worked; I think the scratching is quieter, but it's still there.

3. I think I accidentally threw out the waterslide decal paper a couple of weeks ago, so I'll guess my pedal will sport a minimalistic look for a while.

That about wraps up this project. In the future, I may write a post about how this pedal works, but I'll need to do a good amount of research for that. In the meantime, I'll probably order parts to remake the OCD in the near future.

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