Saturday, May 30, 2015

And So It Begins

After screwing around on various blogs and webpages, I've decided to try my hand(s) at building my own guitar effect pedal. I've convinced myself it's doable (it's just circuits after all!). I have some experience with soldering, and I've been known to be patient, so hopefully it's gonna work out.

For the effect, I have chosen to build a clone of the Fulltone OCD pedal. It's a nice little overdrive/boost pedal that will beautifully replace my $20 Danelectro Fab Overdrive. I think the OCD will really move the chains better than the not-so-Fab.

I'm not gonna use Comic Sans on my pedal.

Anyway, I found the layout here after being inspired by Henry Tremain (, the frontman of TTNG. So here's the layout I'll be using:

I can't find the actual circuit schematic right now, but I remember seeing it somewhere so I'll try to find it later.

I've chosen to do V3 because apparently the V4 sucks. I was gonna buy a kit, but decided to buy the parts separately from Pedal Parts Plus and Mammoth Electronics.

It'll probably take a while for all the stuff to get here in the mail, but I am excited to get started!